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Search results for Ruth Rendell in AUTHOR

Not in the Flesh: A Wexford Novel


Ruth Rendell


When the truffle-hunting dog starts to dig furiously, his master's first reaction is delight at the size of the clump the dog has unearthed....
Members Edition: $23.93

Publishers Edition: $29.95

You pay: $7.49

Not in the Flesh: A Wexford Novel


Ruth Rendell


When the truffle-hunting dog starts to dig furiously, his master's first reaction is delight at the size of the clump the dog has unearthed....
Members Edition: $35.93

Publishers Edition: $45.00

You pay: $7.49

A New Lease of Death: An Inspector Wexford Mystery


Ruth Rendell


Wexford had every reason to remember the Painter case - it was the first murder he'd ever handled on his own. There had been no doubts about the case, until now....
Members Edition: $17.62

Publishers Edition: $25.17

You pay: $7.49

An Unkindness of Ravens


Ruth Rendell


A simple case of a man running off with a woman other than his wife. But when another woman reports that her husband is missing, the case turns unpleasantly complex....
Members Edition: $20.62

Publishers Edition: $29.37

You pay: $7.49

I Shudder at Your Touch, Volume 1: Four Tales of Sex and Horror


Michelle Slung,Stephen King,Ruth Rendell,Patrick McGrath,Thomas Disch


A sensational anthology of sex, horror from Stephen King (who also reads his story), Ruth Rendell, Patrick McGrath, and Thomas M. Disch....
Members Edition: $14.60

Publishers Edition: $19.95

You pay: $7.49

Harm Done


Ruth Rendell


On the day Lizzie came back from the dead, the police and her family had already begun to search for her body. She had been missing for three days...
Members Edition: $13.27

Publishers Edition: $18.00

You pay: $7.49

From Doon with Death: The First Inspector Wexford Novel


Ruth Rendell


When Margaret Parsons disappears, it's assumed that she's run off with another man. But then the missing woman's body is found and a startling discovery is made....
Members Edition: $16.24

Publishers Edition: $23.08

You pay: $7.49

Some Lie and Some Die


Ruth Rendell


For awhile, the rock festival at "Sundays" went well. The sun shone, the bands played, and everyone - except a few angry neighbors - seemed to enjoy themselves....
Members Edition: $13.96

Publishers Edition: $19.95

You pay: $7.49

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